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Rainbow Fizzes

Since the pandemic I have been looking for fun things I can do at home with my 2 boys.  With all these stay at home orders Ontario has had and the schools moving to online learning again, it has been very hard on them. They are 5 and 7 and don’t truly understand why they can’t go to school or play with their friends. All they know is these are the new “rules” the government has put in place and Mommy and Daddy have to follow them.


As a parent and mom I feel like it is my responsibility to make the best out of the situation for my kids and make these times as fun as I possibly can.  This is why I LOVE Pinterest so much!!!!! You can find so many cool different ideas that you probably had no idea that were out there.  I find myself scrolling through the app every night before I go to bed searching for fun activities I can do at home with my boys.


In my searching I have found out my kids love doing science experiments.  They are at that age where their curious mind is always asking questions and exploring the world around them.


Here is a great fun activity I found from FUN-A-DAY called “Rainbow Fizzies” that my kids enjoyed.  The great thing about this activity is most of the stuff you will already have around the house.

You will need: 

Baking Soda
JELL-O in all the colours of the rainbow but Indigo
Ice Cube Trays
Eye dropper or squeeze bottle
Food colouring (optional)


How to make:

Start out by making the baking soda “ice” cubes for each of the colours (red, orange, yellow, green, purple), use the following

  • ¾ cup baking soda
  • 2 Tablespoons JELL-O powder
  • ¼ cup water
  • Food colouring (optional)

First put baking soda and JELL-O in a bowl then add water and mix. If you want the colours to be brighter this is when you can add a few drops of food colouring.

You will have a pasty mixture, not liquid. If the mixture is too thin it won’t set correctly so make sure you only add a few drops of food colouring.

Then use a spoon to put the mixture in the ice cube trays. You will have left overs depending on how many trays you have.

Tap tray gentle to make sure everything is even and no air bubbles.

Place in the freezer.

Once they are frozen I suggest to remove right away and get ready to start your fun.
Place the cubes in a baking dish however you want. We made a rainbow rectangle.

Now fill the squeeze bottle with vinegar or a bowl where they can use the eye dropper.  Let your kids squeeze and pour to their hearts content and have fun.

What fun activities have you found?? I would to love to know in the comments below and try them out with my kids.


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